Save Energy and Improve Home Efficiency With a New AC System

Save Energy and Improve Home Efficiency With a New AC System

Sustainable investing enables individuals to make investments that align with their environmental values. By supporting companies that prioritize sustainability, individuals can help reduce fossil fuel emissions and promote an ecologically responsible economy.

In addition to protecting the environment, sustainable practices provide middle-market companies with improved operational efficiency. This can result in lower energy bills and reduced waste, boosting profitability over time.

1. Increase Your HVAC System’s Capacity

A HVAC system moves air, cooling it or heating it as needed, to a space in order to maintain a comfortable temperature. It does so in homes, schools, businesses, and hospitals to ensure comfort and meet sustainability goals.

HVAC energy efficiency is a crucial factor that impacts comfort, sustainability, and monthly expenses. Fortunately, there are many simple and cost-effective ways to improve HVAC energy efficiency.

Adding insulation to your home and the unit’s ducting can prevent leaks that make it harder for the unit to cool. Keeping air vents clear of furniture and curtains will also help the unit to perform at its maximum capacity. Schedule regular preventative maintenance to keep the unit running smoothly. Lastly, unplugging electronics that aren’t being used can save energy.

2. Install Zoning Controls

Do certain rooms in your home suffer from hot or cold spots due to their location or poor insulation? If you have a central air system, then a zoning control system may be the solution for you. Zoning uses multiple thermostats and duct dampers to divide your home into different climate-controlled zones. The thermostats are connected to a control panel that manages the distribution of air based on each zone’s requested temperature. Modern zoning systems also include features like setback modes and occupancy sensors to optimize energy usage during periods of low occupancy.

Think of a zoning system as the equivalent of having different light switches for every room in your home. This will eliminate wasted heating and cooling from one area of the house turning on or off when another is in use.

3. Schedule Regular Preventative Maintenance

Having your air conditioner serviced on a regular basis is one of the best ways to save energy and improve home efficiency. If a technician finds that any parts are worn out or loose, it’s possible to replace them before they break down completely and cause an emergency.

Regular maintenance also reduces the chances that you’ll come home to a house full of dust and musty odors from clogged vents. Maintaining the quality of your ventilation system ensures that warm and cold air is distributed evenly throughout the property.

Many HVAC manufacturers require proof of preventative maintenance before extending the warranty on their equipment. Taking this simple step can help you avoid costly repairs and enjoy a better return on your initial investment. Plus, it will extend the life of your equipment!

4. Install a Ceiling Fan

Using less energy than HVAC systems, ceiling fans are one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce your energy consumption and keep your home cool. Choose a high-efficiency model with a reversible motor to save even more money in winter.

In the summer, ceiling fans increase energy efficiency by making people in a room feel cooler at any given temperature. This means you can raise the thermostat setting by a few degrees without sacrificing comfort.

Just be sure to switch your fan off when you leave the room. Leaving it on uses electricity, and that can significantly raise your energy bill. In addition, if you’re running your fan on the highest speed, it will create a small amount of heat. Leaving it on for hours at a time can add up to an uncomfortable amount of wasted energy.

5. Adjust Your Thermostat

With a little time and effort, you can easily optimize your thermostat settings to save energy without compromising comfort. Simply adjust your settings for every season, utilize ceiling fans, and seal air leaks to reduce your reliance on the system.

According to ENERGY STAR, the ideal temperature for a home during the winter is 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re at home and awake, while it should be lowered to about 78 degrees Fahrenheit during the day when you’re away or at night when you’re sleeping.

It’s recommended to lower your thermostat by 7deg-10degF for eight hours, a small change that can add up over the course of a year and lead to real energy savings! This is also an easy way to cut down on your electricity bill and contribute to a greener future.

9 thoughts on “Save Energy and Improve Home Efficiency With a New AC System

  1. Morgan Muhammad

    This article provides excellent tips on how to improve home efficiency and save energy. It’s crucial for individuals to adopt sustainable practices to protect the environment and reduce energy waste. I appreciate the emphasis on preventative maintenance and adjusting thermostat settings to optimize energy usage.

  2. Blee

    I’m not convinced that these tips will make a significant impact on energy savings. It seems like a lot of effort for minimal results. There are more effective ways to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability. I expected more innovative and groundbreaking suggestions.

    1. Daniel Taylor

      It’s important to remember that every small change adds up to make a big difference. While these tips may seem simple, collectively they can lead to significant energy savings. It’s a step in the right direction towards a more sustainable future.

  3. Stephanie48

    The focus on HVAC system efficiency and zoning controls is very informative. It’s essential for homeowners to understand how to optimize their heating and cooling systems for energy savings. This article provides valuable insights into practical and cost-effective ways to improve home efficiency.

    1. Jayden Miller

      Absolutely, understanding the impact of HVAC systems on energy consumption is key to making informed decisions. Zoning controls are an effective way to address temperature variations in different areas of the home, leading to more efficient energy usage.

  4. Karl Gray

    The recommendation to adjust thermostat settings and utilize ceiling fans is a simple yet effective way to save energy. It’s crucial to incorporate sustainable practices into everyday life, and these tips offer practical solutions for homeowners. Small changes can lead to significant energy savings over time.

    1. Hughes Andy

      Absolutely, making small adjustments to thermostat settings and utilizing ceiling fans can contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient home. It’s important to raise awareness about these simple yet impactful changes that can benefit both the environment and homeowners.

    2. Oscar Graham

      I’m glad to see an emphasis on practical and achievable ways to save energy. It’s important for individuals to take responsibility for their energy consumption and make conscious choices to improve home efficiency. These tips provide a great starting point for homeowners looking to reduce their environmental impact.

  5. Jackson Rob

    The suggestion to install a ceiling fan is a great way to reduce reliance on HVAC systems and save energy. It’s important to consider alternative methods for cooling and heating to minimize energy consumption. This article provides practical advice for homeowners looking to improve their home’s efficiency.

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