Are You Ready to Go Ductless This Heating Season?

Are You Ready to Go Ductless This Heating Season Exploring Efficient HVAC Solutions

Are You Ready to Go Ductless This Heating Season?

Embracing energy-efficient HVAC solutions helps reduce the environmental impact and costs of heating, cooling, ventilation and indoor air quality. While high-efficiency systems may have a higher up-front cost, they offer long-term savings.

However, proper system sizing and installation are critical for achieving the touted benefits of ductless heat. Here are the top reasons you should choose a pro.

1. Reduced Energy Bills

With heating costs on the rise in most parts of the country this winter, many homeowners are looking for ways to cut their energy bills. One popular option is ductless mini splits, which use individual wall-mounted units to provide individualized heating and cooling for each room.

Proper system sizing and installation are crucial for getting the touted efficiency benefits from a ductless solution. It is best to leave the installation to a professional that is trained to handle refrigerants and knows how to avoid costly mistakes like improper sizing, leaking wall penetrations, and unsafe handling of electronics and components.

Other simple steps to reduce energy bills include using a programmable thermostat and limiting the amount of time the system runs. Also, make sure curtains and blinds aren’t blocking vents so air can circulate properly.

2. Increased Home Value

A home with a high-efficiency HVAC system is more appealing to prospective buyers than one that relies on an outdated and inefficient system. This is especially true if your HVAC system is Energy Star certified.

In addition to reducing energy costs, ductless mini-splits increase home value by eliminating the need for ducts. Sealing or replacing ductwork can be an expensive undertaking, so the elimination of this necessary upgrade saves money up front and in the long run.

These systems also provide more flexibility for heating open spaces like garages, new additions and basements by replacing traditional baseboard heaters. Additionally, multi-zone ductless systems allow each room to be independently conditioned. This gives occupants optimal comfort. These features are desirable to potential homebuyers and can help you command a higher sales price.

3. Increased Comfort

The sizing, length, and layout of your home’s air ducts will impact how much conditioned air it takes to reach all rooms. If there are long distances or many bends in the ducting, your HVAC system will have to work harder and energy costs will go up.

Ductless systems eliminate the need for ductwork, making them a cost-effective choice for heating or cooling attics, new additions, garages, and basements. These units mount indoor air handlers on walls or in ceilings, and a conduit with a condensate drain, refrigerant line, and power cable connect the outdoor unit to the interior air handler.

A professional can install a single-zone or multi-zone ductless heat pump for you, and you’ll be able to set temperature settings according to your needs. Schedule regular maintenance visits to keep your ductless system running at peak performance.

4. Reduced Risk of Allergies

Air ducts can become leaky or clogged, leading to poor indoor air quality. Ductless systems eliminate the need for ducts, which can help reduce your allergy risk by filtering out dust, mold, and other allergens.

Ductless mini-split systems offer zoning capability, which gives you the ability to control different areas of your home independently of each other. This helps you avoid heating or cooling rooms that aren’t being used, saving energy and money.

You can also improve your HVAC system’s efficiency by using curtains and blinds to block out heat during the summer and opening them up to let in more sunlight during the winter. Make sure to keep furniture away from vents to prevent it from blocking the flow of air. Also, use ceiling fans to improve air circulation and keep warm air circulating throughout the house.

5. Reduced Maintenance

HVAC systems encounter a variety of issues that can jeopardize performance. Air filters, duct leaks, fan motors, and electrical connections must all be properly cleaned, lubricated, or replaced to ensure that equipment performs at optimal levels. A proactive approach to maintenance can catch problems before they impact the system, saving you from unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs.

Ductless mini splits are especially popular in homes and additions that lack internal ductwork such as garage apartments, bonus rooms, sunrooms, and man caves. They also appeal to homebuyers looking for high energy efficiency, a feature that can add value. By eliminating duct losses, a ductless system produces a higher SEER rating than older central systems. This translates into more money saved on heating expenses.

3 thoughts on “Are You Ready to Go Ductless This Heating Season?

  1. Yvonne Bennett

    I find it ironic that the article mentions reduced maintenance as a benefit, yet it also lists a variety of issues that can occur in traditional HVAC systems. It seems to be a contradiction.

  2. Summer Hall

    I completely agree, ductless heating systems are the way to go for reduced energy bills and increased home value.

  3. Jjames

    This article is informative and persuasive, but I still have doubts about the efficiency of ductless heating systems.

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