To replace or install a furnace in Yelm, it costs $6,772, including materials and equipment. The average cost is for our customers in Yelm is $4681. Although furnaces are one of the most important home appliances, they can be expensive. However, most furnaces are durable and long-lasting.

There are many factors that can impact the cost of installing a furnace. Below is a brief list with detailed explanations.

  • Furnace type
  • Furnace size
  • Furnace energy efficiency
  • Furnace brand
  • Labor

Furnace Replacement In Yelm Cost Calculator

National Average $4,681
The Typical Range $2,803 – $6,772
Low End – High End $1500 – $10,000

Furnace Type

While all furnaces operate at the same base, they use different fuel types to power them. Electricity, natural gas and oil are the most popular. The temperature in your area will determine the type of furnace that you choose.

Electric Furnace

Installation costs around $1600 to $6,900. This furnace is less common than a traditional gas heat system. In warmer areas of the United States, where winters tend to be mild, it’s actually a heat pump or geothermal system. An electric furnace circulates air through a number of heated coils before distributing the heated air throughout your house via ducts or vents. The size of an electric furnace is determined by how much electricity they use. Electric furnaces can be very efficient but they consume a lot of electricity.

Natural Gas Furnace

While gas furnaces can be installed for an average 00 to ,000, they can also cost up to ,000. You’ll save money by using new gas models, but you should expect to spend more upfront. High-efficiency models can cost up to 50% to 100% more than standard models.

The American Gas Association states that these furnaces are more commonly used in regions with harsh winters and cold temperatures because natural gas heat tends be warmer than heat from other sources. Natural gas produced by a forced-air system can range from 120 to 140 degrees F. This compares to an electric heat-pump, which can deliver about 85 to 95 degree Fahrenheit.

Oil Furnace

The longest-lasting oil furnaces are $6750 to $10,000 to install. They are common in the Northeast where there is a lot oil. However, they are more costly to install because oil is not cheap to import and has poor energy efficiency. You will also need to change your furnace’s oil filter more often.

However, they do offer some advantages. They are safer than gas furnaces in that they don’t emit carbon monoxide or run the risk for explosions. They last five to ten years longer than gas furnaces.

Furnace Size

The size of a furnace is measured in British thermal units (BTU), and furnaces are usually between 40,000 and 120,000 BTUs. How do you determine how large a furnace you will need? Here’s an easy equation that will help you get started. Multiply the square footage that you want to heat by 40. A 2,300-square-foot home, for example, will require at least 92,000 BTUs. If you live in a more cold area, you might want to budget for higher BTUs.

Furnace BTU Sq. Ft. Average Price Range
40,000 – 60,000 700 – 1,500 $2,000 – $3,000
80,000 – 100,000 1,300 – 3,000 $2,600 – $4,200
100,000 – 125,000 1,600 – 4,000 $3,000 – $4,500
125,000 – 150,000 2,000 – 5,000 $3,300 – $6,500

You should also consider the height of your ceiling, as high ceilings require more BTUs to heat. You’ll need more BTUs to heat your home if you have leaky doors or windows.

Furnace Energy Efficiency

Although they are more costly to purchase, furnaces with high efficiency ratings will save you money over the long-term. Find the cost savings by multiplying your monthly electric bill with the efficiency difference between the old furnace and the new furnace.

If you replace a 70% efficiency furnace with a 97% efficiency one, your 27% upgrade will be possible. To calculate your monthly savings, multiply this figure by your monthly bill. If your winter bill is 0 and your furnace improves efficiency by 27%, you will save every month.

Furnace Brand

Consumer Reports provides comparisons of the top furnace brands. To determine which type of furnace is best for you, see the table below.

Brand Furnace Type Average Price (Including Installation)
Goodman Gas $3,200
Carrier Gas $7,320
Coleman Electric $2,500
Trane Oil $8,650
Lennox Oil $11,190

Energy Star lists 30 models that have high energy efficiency endorsements. Popular HVAC manufacturers often make multiple brands of gas furnaces. They separate them into premium, basic, and mid-range categories.

Payne, a budget-friendly brand by Carrier, is an example. Although the technology and devices are nearly identical, warranties differ. This is why there are so many price differences. Some units offer lifetime coverage.

Furnace Installation in Yelm

A furnace replacement can cost anywhere from $2,000 up to $10,000 . Below is a breakdown of the furnace installation costs.

  • Unit: 50%-75%
  • Labor: 20%-30%
  • Equipment permit and removal of an old furnace: 15-25%

For a licensed furnace installation, expect to pay -100 and up to an hour per additional team member. Your current setup, as well as whether you are looking to install or repair ductwork will all affect the final labor cost.

Furnace Replacement in Yelm

The cost of replacing a furnace can range from $2,000 up to $7,000. depending on the type of furnace. Mid-efficiency furnaces are vented through a chimney. They cost $1500 to $2,500 for installation. High-efficiency furnaces cost $3000 to $5,000 to set up and vent through a wall-mounted PVC pipe. Below is a breakdown of how to replace your furnace according to furnace type.

Furnace Type Average Price Range for Replacement
Electric $2,000 – $7,000
Gas $3,800 – $10,000
Mini-split $5,000 – $15,000
Oil $6,750 – $10,000
Geothermal $10,000 – $40,000+

Furnace Removal

The cost of disposing of a furnace is around $60-$500, depending upon how difficult it is to remove, the area fee for dumping, and the distance to the dump. This fee will usually be included in the estimate of your contractor.

Some companies will accept your old appliance and reuse its parts if you are looking for an eco-friendly solution. You can expect to pay about $50 for this service.

The Signs of Furnace Failure

Common issues with furnaces include a clogged filter, residue buildup at the ignition sensor, or the pilot light not working. You might need to replace your furnace if you have any of these problems:

  • It is more than 15 years old.
  • Your energy bills are much higher than normal.
  • Heating in the rooms of your house is uneven.
  • The furnace is making strange sounds.
  • Some furnace parts are cracked or rusted.
  • It seems like you are cycling more than usual.
  • Humidity problems can start to occur in your home.

The Benefits of Replacing an Ex-Furnace

You and your family will feel more comfortable living in your home if you replace an old or broken furnace. Here are some reasons to replace an old furnace if you are unsure.

  • Lower repair cost: A new furnace is less likely need to be repaired than an older furnace. This furnace repair price will be lower.
  • Increased comfort: A new furnace will heat your house more efficiently and evenly.
  • Improved airflow: A new furnace will provide better airflow. It will remove impurities from the air, and prevent mold growth.
  • Less noise: Newer furnaces produce less heat than older models.
  • Less carbon footprint: A new furnace uses up to one-third less fuel that older models. This means you’ll use less of the planet’s natural resources.

Additional cost factors

These variables are also important to take into account when installing or replacing a furnace.


If the furnace’s ductwork, vents or other furnace filter types have not been installed or adjusted properly for the new heating system, most furnaces will fail to work. The average cost of installing ductwork is $1,500 to $7,000. Repairing ducts can be as high as $1,000 to $5,000. There are many factors that can affect the cost of installing ductwork, including but not restricted to:

  • The number of stories in a house
  • Ventilation for intake or output
  • Accessibility
  • Material for siding and walls
  • Temperature-control zones

Permits and inspections

Building permits are approximately $400-$1,500 depending on where you live. Most places include inspection fees of $100 with the permit price. They ensure that the equipment is operated safely by professionals. You can even get free inspections from local gas companies.

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