Furnace Dangers

Furnace dangers

Furnace Dangers

A poorly maintained furnace can be a fire hazard. Carbon Monoxide is also a danger, as this colorless and odorless gas can build up in the home, leading to drowsiness, confusion, loss of consciousness or death.

If you notice the smell of gas, call a professional immediately. They can help you fix any issues before they turn into a disaster.

1. Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide, or CO, is a poisonous gas that is produced by furnaces and other fuel-burning appliances. This colorless, odorless gas can build up in your home to dangerous levels and poison you if exposed to it for too long. If you notice any of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, get fresh air, then call 911. Severe cases require emergency medical treatment, including oxygen therapy.

In order to prevent CO poisoning, have your furnace inspected each year by a professional technician. Be sure to have CO detectors installed in your home as well. These devices, which are the same size and shape as smoke detectors, sense trace amounts of CO in the air and sound an alarm when they detect it. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be caused by a cracked heat exchanger, combustion air obstructions or broken venting. If you suspect you have a carbon monoxide leak, open windows and doors to allow fresh air into the home.

2. Fire

Your furnace uses a controlled fire to heat your home and keep you warm. As a result, there are some dangerous situations that can occur within your heating system. One of the most serious involves carbon monoxide poisoning. This happens when your heating system produces carbon monoxide gas that cannot safely disperse into the air circulating in your home. If you suspect that your house may have a CO leak, contact a professional immediately to perform a carbon monoxide assessment.

Another danger is a furnace fire that can release toxic fumes into your living spaces. The number one cause of house fires is faulty and unmaintained heating appliances. The good news is that you can prevent many furnace-related fires by keeping your unit clean and free of flammable materials around it. If you notice a burning smell, a hissing sound or a bad odor like rotten eggs in your home, exit the area and call the fire department right away.

3. Water Damage

If your furnace is located in a flood-prone area, it might be worth considering moving it up or elevating it with concrete blocks. Otherwise, water damage could lead to rust or corrosion on the heat exchanger and other parts. This can result in a leak or even a fire.

In some cases, a crack in the heat exchanger can cause carbon monoxide to escape. Carbon monoxide is a gas that can’t be seen, smelled or tasted and can be very dangerous if inhaled in high amounts or over time.

If your furnace is leaking, you should call a professional immediately. They can verify the source of the leak and disinfect the unit to kill mold and mildew before allowing it to be used. In addition, they can ensure your gas valves and safety controls are still functioning properly. They can also inspect the humidifier and make sure it isn’t leaking into the furnace.

4. Dirty Furnace

Dirt can cause many problems with your furnace. It is important to swap out your air filter on a regular basis or whenever you see it get dirty. When this is neglected, dirt will gradually clog the filter and restrict air flow. This can lead to a number of issues including lowered efficiency and carbon monoxide leaks. It can also cause health problems such as allergies and asthma.

When your furnace has to work harder to circulate air, it will overheat and can break down. It is very important to change your filter on a routine basis and to keep the air filter clean to prevent the need for expensive repairs.

If you are noticing that your furnace is producing a burning smell, it may be due to a dirty filter. If you do notice this, call your local, heating and AC contractor for a cleaning. They can get your system running properly and safely again!

8 thoughts on “Furnace Dangers

  1. Qpowell

    Excellent article, very informative about the potential dangers of a poorly maintained furnace.

  2. Jim65

    The danger of a furnace fire due to lack of maintenance is clearly outlined in this article, very educational and eye-opening.

    1. Freya King

      Absolutely, a dirty furnace can lead to so many issues, this article effectively highlights the need for regular maintenance.

  3. Steve Morgan

    The fact that carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that can build up to dangerous levels in the home is terrifying. This article does a great job of raising awareness, very important information.

    1. Peter50

      Absolutely, very useful information here, thanks for sharing!

    2. Paul Davis

      I appreciate the article’s emphasis on the importance of having CO detectors installed in homes, great advice.

  4. Qkennedy

    The potential for a crack in the heat exchanger to release carbon monoxide is a particularly frightening possibility. Good reminder to have yearly inspections done on the furnace.

  5. Morris Isabelle

    Neglecting to change the air filter can be extremely detrimental, this article does a great job of emphasizing the importance of regular maintenance.

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