5 Major Benefits of an Indoor Air Quality System

5 Major Benefits of an Indoor Air Quality System Investing in a Healthy Home Environment

5 Major Benefits of an Indoor Air Quality System

Clean air makes it easier to breathe, which puts less strain on the body. This helps you feel more energized and can prevent respiratory issues later in life.

Allergens like dust, pollen, mold spores, cleaning chemicals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), smoke and carbon monoxide can be reduced by proper ventilation, air filtration and humidity control. IAQ services also help reduce energy costs by ensuring your HVAC system works efficiently.

1. Reduces Allergies

Whether you suffer from seasonal or year-round allergies, an indoor air quality system will help reduce allergy symptoms. The system filters out biological pollutants, such as dust, mold, pet dander and pollen, which cause irritated eyes and itchy nose or throat.

Chemical pollutants from household cleaners, pesticides and building materials are also eliminated by the air quality system. These chemicals can negatively impact your health, including causing headaches, achy skin and fatigue.

Air quality solutions are a great way to create a healthy environment for your family, friends and pets. They eliminate allergens, improve sleep and minimize foul odors so everyone can live a happier, healthier life. You can find the right solution for your home by contacting a professional at Donmar. Contact them today for more information about improving the quality of your air.

2. Reduces Stress

Whether you have children or are an adult, poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can affect your ability to focus and stay alert. It can also cause sleeping problems, irritate respiratory symptoms and contribute to moodiness.

Sources of IAQ problems include indoor smoking, building materials and furnishings, cleaning products, activities like painting and hobbies, and local outdoor pollutants. Typically, levels of pollutants are 2-5 times higher in homes than outdoors2.

Monitoring for a wide range of air pollutants can help you identify problems and take action. For example, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from paints, air fresheners and other household products can be harmful to health. These pollutants can be eliminated with proper ventilation and filtration systems. In addition, regular monitoring over time provides insight into different trends and patterns.

3. Increases Energy Efficiency

A wide range of factors can impact indoor air quality, from environmental tobacco smoke and vehicular emissions to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from building materials, household products, and human activities like smoking, painting, and cleaning. VOCs can contaminate indoor air and settle on surfaces like carpeting and furniture, where they may remain for months.

Some sources of pollution release pollutants continuously, while others release them intermittently. In addition, if too little outdoor air is allowed to enter the building, a high level of pollutants can accumulate and result in discomfort or health issues.

Investing in energy-efficient strategies, such as advanced filtration systems and improved ventilation, can help to improve indoor air quality and reduce energy consumption. This results in significant cost savings for both homeowners and businesses.

4. Increases Home Value

People spend an increasing amount of their time indoors, and studies show that air quality can be significantly worse inside than outdoors. Exposure to organic pollutants can be increased by a variety of activities in indoor spaces such as smoking, cooking, cleaning, and using certain products; and these contaminants may remain on surfaces and in the air for months after use.

Those with preexisting conditions and households of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to live in homes that have poorer indoor air quality. Investing in a home with EPA Indoor airPLUS specifications can help address these issues, promoting health equity and environmental justice.

Whether in commercial or residential buildings, building occupants want to know that their indoor environments are healthy and supportive of their overall wellbeing. Conducting an occupant-focused indoor air assessment is a great way to promote this.

5. Improves Sleep

Getting enough sleep helps reduce stress, boosts energy and mood, increases concentration and promotes healthy, youthful skin. It can also help lower the risk of depression and anxiety. Poor indoor air quality can interfere with the brain’s ability to produce and release certain hormones that influence the immune system, which can negatively affect our ability to rest.

The most common causes of unhealthy indoor air quality include improper ventilation and filtration, indoor smoking, cleaning products, building materials and furnishings, humidity, local outdoor pollutants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Using a smart thermostat that monitors your home environment and can seamlessly adjust your home’s temperature, humidity levels and air cleaners is an excellent way to optimize your home’s indoor air.

Clean filtered air increases oxygen in the brain, which boosts cognitive function and helps people to feel more alert. This can improve work productivity and lower the risk of illness among employees.

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