3 Red Flags That Indicate You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality

3 Red Flags That Indicate You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality Recognizing Warning Signs

3 Red Flags That Indicate You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality

If people in your building start coughing, sneezing or have other breathing issues that don’t seem to relate to a health condition, it could be an air quality issue. Dust, pet dander, smoke and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can trigger allergies, respiratory distress and even infections.

If the symptoms appear to follow a home remodeling project, it could be due to excessive dust or mold contamination.

1. Coughing and Sneezing

If someone in your household has been coughing or sneezing a lot, it could be a sign that your indoor air quality has dropped. This is especially true if the person has a pre-existing condition, such as asthma or allergies, that becomes aggravated by certain pollutants in your home.

Pollen, pet dander, volatile organic compounds and ozone are all common indoor pollutants that can cause allergies and asthma symptoms. These chemicals can also lead to other conditions like lung irritation and even cancer after prolonged exposure.

Both a cough and sneeze are the body’s natural mechanism to clear foreign particles or irritants from your respiratory system. A sneeze is an involuntary expulsion of air that can be triggered by many things, including irritants in the air, such as dust mites, cigarette smoke or sawdust from construction. A cough is an involuntary forceful expulsion of air that can be triggered when the lining of your throat or sinuses are irritated.

Allergies and asthma are both exacerbated by poor indoor air quality, and people with those diseases will notice the changes in air quality immediately. They may start experiencing breathing troubles, itchiness in the nose and eyes, fatigue and nausea. These issues are similar to those experienced with a mild flu or the common cold and can become a serious health problem if not addressed quickly.

2. Smelly Odors

Poor air quality can lead to a wide range of health effects. Some symptoms show up soon after exposure to contaminants while others can appear years later and may be debilitating or even fatal.

A musty odor can be a sign that your home has poor indoor air quality. This is because a musty smell often indicates that there are high concentrations of chemicals, mold, mildew, and other contaminants in the air.

The odor of these contaminants can also cause breathing problems, especially in people who have allergies or asthma. In addition to coughing and sneezing, these contaminants can lead to a variety of other health issues that include itchy eyes, nose, or throat; nausea; difficulty sleeping; fatigue; and headaches.

If you notice a musty odor in your home, it is a good idea to get your indoor air tested for pollutants, such as radon. Alternatively, you can look for signs that your home does not have enough ventilation. These include moisture condensation on windows and walls, smelly or stuffy air, dirty central heating and cooling equipment, and areas where books, shoes, or other items become moldy.

3. Biological Growth

We know that the quality of air is important. We often experience symptoms when the air quality is poor, including headaches, fatigue, irritated eyes and throat and trouble concentrating. These symptoms may be similar to the flu, making it difficult to identify and pinpoint a cause.

A clear indicator of poor indoor air quality is if you notice that there is biological growth, like mold or mildew, inside your home. This is usually a result of high humidity levels and poor circulation. When mold and mildew grow, they release spores that can irritate the respiratory tract. The spores can also make asthma and allergies worse.

Biological growth should be treated by a professional to prevent the spores from spreading throughout your home and causing further problems. This is an indication that you need a dehumidifier and whole-home fan to keep the humidity at safe levels.

Most common indoor air pollutants can be controlled by changing habits and ensuring that the home has proper ventilation. It is important to check the ventilation in your home regularly, especially during warmer seasons. All fuel-burning appliances, such as stoves, water heaters and fireplaces should be properly vented to the outside. Also, be sure that odors, chemicals and dust are not being released into the air from office equipment or building materials.

12 thoughts on “3 Red Flags That Indicate You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality

  1. Mark35

    The post’s content is very informative and raises awareness about the potential dangers of poor indoor air quality. It provides clear examples and actionable steps that readers can take to improve their air quality.

    1. Ikelly

      Yes, it’s crucial for people to recognize the red flags and address them promptly. This article does a great job in educating readers on the signs of poor indoor air quality.

    2. Daniel Evans

      I found the section about biological growth particularly useful. It’s important for homeowners to be aware of the risks and how to handle them effectively.

  2. King Dave

    The symptoms mentioned in this article paint a clear picture of how poor indoor air quality can affect our health. It serves as a timely reminder for everyone to prioritize air quality in their living spaces.

    1. Jim Shaw

      Absolutely. I appreciate how the article highlights the link between air quality and various health problems. A thorough and insightful read.

  3. Lizzie Allen

    This article serves as an eye-opener for readers who may have overlooked the impact of indoor air quality on their health. It’s comprehensive and provides practical tips to address potential issues.

    1. Xroberts

      I completely agree. The detailed information in this article is valuable for homeowners looking to ensure a healthy environment for themselves and their families.

  4. Obailey

    This article offers valuable information on how to identify and address poor indoor air quality. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the symptoms and promptly taking action. A must-read for homeowners and renters alike.

    1. Donna03

      I couldn’t agree more. The symptoms of poor indoor air quality are often mistaken for common ailments, so this article sheds light on the issue and how to tackle it effectively.

  5. Oscar59

    The warning signs mentioned here are essential indicators that should not be ignored. This article effectively communicates the importance of addressing poor indoor air quality and the potential health risks associated with it.

    1. Sebastian79

      Absolutely. It’s crucial for individuals to recognize the symptoms and take appropriate measures to improve their indoor air quality. The content of this article is both enlightening and actionable.

    2. Carrie Turner

      This article is a must-read for everyone, especially those who may not be aware of the potential dangers of poor indoor air quality. It’s informative and raises important awareness about the topic.

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