Why It’s Never Too Early Or Late for HVAC Care

Why Its Never Too Early or Late for Heating Maintenance YearRound HVAC Care

Why It’s Never Too Early Or Late for HVAC Care

One of the best things you can do for your HVAC system is to perform regular maintenance. It keeps minor issues from snowballing into bigger problems and saves you money on energy bills.

It also extends the life of your equipment and many manufacturer warranties require routine maintenance in order to remain valid. To avoid costly breakdowns in the winter, plan your heating maintenance now.

Change Your Filters

One of the easiest HVAC maintenance tasks you can do is to change your filter regularly. Dirty, clogged filters obstruct airflow and cause the system to work harder to maintain your temperature. This strains the system and can result in a high energy bill.

A clean filter helps to improve indoor air quality, reduce allergens, and make your system run more efficiently. Check your filter at least every 90 days during the heating off-season and each month during times of heavy usage.

It’s also a good idea to clear debris such as leaves, twigs, and snow from around the outdoor unit after each winter storm. Make sure there’s a two-foot clearance around the unit to ensure proper airflow and prevent overheating. Also, remember to mark the date on each new filter with the day you changed it so you don’t forget. This will help you keep track of how long each filter lasts.

Clean the Ductwork

The ductwork is a complex network of tubes and vents that connects various rooms in your home. Over time, it can collect dust and other debris and cause your system to work harder to regulate temperature and clean the air.

It’s a good idea to have your ductwork cleaned by an HVAC service professional annually. They have the tools and knowledge needed to clean ductwork without damaging it. They can also look for leaks and other issues that can allow temperature-controlled air to escape.

If you want to help keep your ductwork clean between annual cleanings, limit the amount of dust that enters your home by using doormats and vacuuming often. You can also wipe down your ductwork’s supply registers with a microfiber cloth on a weekly basis to remote any lingering dust. This will help ensure your ducts don’t get too dirty, which can lead to health problems. Also, make sure to shut off your HVAC system before removing the vent covers with a screwdriver.

Schedule a Tune-Up

During a routine maintenance visit, an experienced technician will go through all the parts of your heater. They will find any issues that need to be addressed, ensuring everything is running smoothly. This makes it less likely you will need costly emergency repairs in the middle of winter.

It will also help you save on energy bills. Dirty filters, clogged ducts and malfunctioning components will force your heating system to work harder and consume more energy. Regular maintenance will identify these problems and address them before they escalate.

It will also extend the lifespan of your heater, allowing you to put off expensive replacement costs. This is a huge advantage because heating systems are an investment, and you want to get as much use out of them as possible. You can only do that by scheduling routine maintenance each year.

Schedule Repairs

The main benefit of scheduling maintenance is that a professional technician will spot issues and prevent them from becoming worse. This helps to avoid costly repairs or the need for replacement of your equipment. It also keeps your system working efficiently, saving you money on energy bills.

Just like your car, your HVAC system needs to be maintained in order to run properly. A professional will check and clean machinery, ductwork, and components to keep it running smoothly. If you notice any problems, such as strange noises or odors, contact your maintenance technician immediately to make an appointment.

The best time to schedule an annual maintenance session is in the fall before you start using your heater. This will give you peace of mind that your system is ready to go before winter. It is also a less busy time for technicians, making it easier to find a convenient time for an inspection. You can help to prepare for your maintenance session by cleaning around the outdoor unit and removing any obstructions that will make it difficult for the technician to access the indoor equipment.

7 thoughts on “Why It’s Never Too Early Or Late for HVAC Care

  1. Mcarter

    The article fails to mention the environmental impact of HVAC systems and the importance of eco-friendly maintenance practices. It’s an oversight that detracts from the overall message.

  2. Russell Leo

    This article provides comprehensive information about HVAC care and maintenance. It’s crucial for homeowners to stay on top of these tasks to ensure the efficiency and longevity of their HVAC system. Well written and informative!

  3. Marshall Isobel

    I disagree with the article’s suggestion of annual ductwork cleaning. Unless there are specific issues, it’s unnecessary and a waste of money. Regular filter changes and tune-ups are much more important for HVAC care.

    1. Kyle Harrison

      Actually, I tend to agree with Marshall here. Ductwork cleaning may not be required annually for every household. It depends on the specific circumstances and conditions of the ductwork.

    2. Donna Palmer

      I respectfully disagree with your viewpoint. Ductwork cleaning can greatly improve indoor air quality and energy efficiency. It’s an investment in the long-term health of your HVAC system.

  4. Scarlett84

    The writer emphasizes the importance of regular HVAC maintenance and how it can prevent costly breakdowns. This is an excellent reminder for homeowners to stay proactive about their HVAC care.

  5. Tina Harris

    The tips provided in this article are incredibly helpful for homeowners looking to maintain their HVAC systems. It’s a valuable resource that highlights the importance of routine care to avoid major issues.

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