Programmable Thermostat Vs Smart Thermostat – Choosing the Right Option

Programmable Thermostat vs Smart Thermostat Choosing the Right Option

Programmable Thermostat Vs Smart Thermostat – Choosing the Right Option

When it comes to choosing the right thermostat, homeowners have many options. Programmable and smart thermostats offer convenience, energy efficiency, and more.

If you value cost and energy savings, a programmable thermostat is the best option. These thermostats allow you to schedule your home’s temperature for a certain time during the week so that your heating and cooling systems aren’t used when no one is home.


While a smart thermostat may cost more upfront than a traditional dial-style or digital model, they offer many advantages. These innovative models often include features such as voice control, mobile app access and zoning capabilities. Some even monitor the weather to predict energy usage.

In addition, a smart thermostat can help homeowners save money by setting temperatures to run on a schedule, such as lowering the temperature during the day while the home is unoccupied and raising it an hour before occupants wake up. This also helps reduce energy use during the night, when a cooler temperature is more conducive to sleep.

Both options can save money, but the right choice depends on a variety of factors, including lifestyle compatibility and technical requirements. Hutchinson can help you weigh these factors and make a decision that will meet your immediate needs and set you up for long-term savings. Moreover, we can ensure your new thermostat is compatible with your existing HVAC system.


If you prefer to be able to control your thermostat remotely, or have a particular comfort preference such as temperature zoning, a smart thermostat may be the right choice for you. These units also offer advanced features like air quality monitoring and machine learning to enhance your experience with your HVAC system while boosting energy savings.

However, if you’re not tech-savvy and find the complexity of a smart thermostat daunting, a programmable model might be a more suitable option. These models are often more affordable and easier to program, despite lacking the advanced features found in smart thermostats.

Standard programmable thermostats can save you a significant amount of money on your energy bills, but only if you use them correctly. Sadly, research shows that most homeowners don’t properly use their programmable thermostats, either forgetting to set their schedule or using the home function to override it. The good news is that smart thermostats have a built-in reminder function to make sure your program is running the way you want it to!

Energy Efficiency

Regardless of the type you choose, a thermostat that is properly regulated and adjusted will help cut your energy costs. But a smart thermostat can offer you additional savings with features like geofencing and remote access.

Many models have multiple weekly programs that operate on a 7-day week or split 5-2 or 5-1-1, making it easy to find the right fit for your home. Some also have WiFi capabilities so you can change your schedule remotely, a convenient feature if you know that you’ll be coming home early one night or if your flight is delayed on the way back from vacation.

According to real-world data, a smart thermostat that meets Energy Star criteria saves most homeowners about 8 percent on their energy bills. This number will likely be lower in areas with temperate climates and lower utility prices. However, a manual thermostat can save you energy as well if you are diligent about resetting it every time you leave the house or wake up.


Programmable thermostats are a solid choice for families with set weekly routines who value energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. They allow you to pre-determine a schedule that automatically adjusts the temperature of your home on weekdays and weekends to ensure it is not running unnecessarily.

Smart thermostats offer a number of convenience and energy-saving features that set them apart from their non-programmable counterparts. These include Wi-Fi connectivity, so you can access your thermostat from a smartphone app to monitor and change its settings. Smart thermostats are also designed to learn your heating and cooling habits over time, creating a schedule that maximizes energy efficiency.

Regardless of which type of thermostat you choose, it’s important to have your new device professionally installed by a trained technician. This will ensure that the thermostat is compatible with your home’s HVAC system and that it can communicate effectively to achieve optimal energy savings. Call Poston Brothers today to learn more about the different types of thermostats or to schedule your installation!

9 thoughts on “Programmable Thermostat Vs Smart Thermostat – Choosing the Right Option

  1. Hall Maria

    Great article! I really appreciate the detailed comparison between programmable and smart thermostats. It’s important for homeowners to understand the options available to them for energy savings. Well done!

    1. Rowena Phillips

      I couldn’t agree more! This article provides valuable information for making an informed decision about which thermostat is best suited for individual needs.

  2. Kelly Brandon

    I found the comparison between the two types of thermostats to be lacking in depth. The article seems to oversimplify the decision-making process and doesn’t delve into the technical aspects enough for my liking.

  3. Keeley71

    I respectfully disagree with the recommendation for programmable thermostats. Smart thermostats offer much more in terms of energy savings and convenience. This article seems to downplay the benefits of smart thermostats.

    1. Qbell

      I understand your perspective, but I believe the article presents a fair assessment of both options. It’s important to consider individual needs and technical abilities when choosing a thermostat.

  4. Hlee

    Such a comical comparison! I mean, who needs a smart thermostat when you can just remember to adjust the temperature manually, right? The article seems to overlook the basic human ability to control heating and cooling without fancy gadgets.

    1. John Harrison

      I appreciate the humor in your comment, but the reality is that many people can benefit from the convenience and energy savings that smart thermostats offer. It’s all about individual preferences and needs.

    2. Zkhan

      I have to agree with Hlee on this one. Sometimes simplicity is the best option, and the article fails to acknowledge the value of manual control and personal responsibility for energy efficiency.

  5. Alexandra Griffiths

    I found this article to be quite enlightening. It really helped me understand the differences and benefits of each type of thermostat. Thank you for the informative read!

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