Proactive Tips for System Longevity

Air Conditioning Maintenance Proactive Tips for System Longevity

Proactive Tips for System Longevity

Just like a car, your HVAC system requires regular maintenance to ensure it runs efficiently and lasts for the lifetime of your home. This article explores expert tips for maximizing your system’s lifespan.

Some of these tasks can be performed by a homeowner, including air filter changes and condenser coil cleaning. However, a trained technician can check for other issues that are not readily apparent.

1. Change the Filter

Changing the filter is perhaps the most important preventative maintenance task. It can keep the system working more efficiently by preventing dust and dirt from clogging the condenser.

First, locate the filter. It might be in the air return vent or in the filter slot inside your home’s air handler cabinet. Make sure power to the unit is off. This will ensure that you don’t accidentally touch live voltage or get sucked into the unit by the fans.

Once you’ve located the filter, open the vent cover and remove it. Take note of the direction of air flow if there are any arrows on it, as this will help you properly insert a new one. Replace the old filter, and then write the date on the new one so you know when it was changed last.

2. Clean the Evaporator and Condenser Coils

Dirty coils cause air flow problems, resulting in ice formation on the coil and decreased heat transfer. Clean coils allow your system to operate as it should.

To access your AC evaporator coil, locate the indoor air handling unit’s access panel and remove it. Then, shut off power to your unit.

The evaporator coil is made of hundreds of extremely thin vertical “fins” or folds of aluminum. To clean the coils, first saturate a nylon brush with cleaner and gently brush the aluminum fins.

Afterward, rinse the area you just washed by angling downwards. You can also use a spray can of cleaner to rinse the coils if the dirt is particularly stubborn. Finally, if the fins are bent, straighten them with an adjustable fin comb that can be purchased at most hardware stores and air conditioning shops.

3. Clean the Ductwork

It’s fairly normal for ductwork to contain some amount of dust and debris. However, severe build-up can lead to clogged vents and a musty smell throughout the home.

It is recommended that homeowners clean the ducts themselves once every four to six months. To do so, first, ensure that the air conditioner is turned off by switching off the power breaker for the unit.

Next, unscrew the vent covers and wash them using hot water and soap. Rinse and dry them, then replace them on the supply registers. It’s a good idea to cover other supply register openings with paper towels during cleaning so that escaping dust won’t ruin your walls and floors. A screwdriver is also needed to remove the vents’ attachment screws.

4. Schedule a Tune-Up

Conducting air conditioner maintenance is important to ensure its proper operation and extend its lifespan. When a homeowner neglects this maintenance, the equipment is more likely to break down prematurely, leading to expensive repairs and replacements.

Regular maintenance catches small issues that are easy to repair and reduces energy consumption, keeping cooling costs low. These savings can offset the cost of maintenance service and extend the life of the equipment.

It can be tempting to perform DIY AC maintenance to save money, but any tasks beyond changing the air filter should be left to a licensed professional. A qualified technician has detailed knowledge of the various types of systems and can spot problems quickly, saving homeowners time and money. This preventative approach also reduces the risk of voiding a manufacturer’s warranty, which may result in costly repairs or replacement parts.

5. Schedule an Inspection

It’s important to inspect your air conditioning system at least once a year. It helps keep your energy bill down, extends the lifespan of the unit and prevents problems that may cause expensive repairs.

Be sure to shut off the power at the exterior compressor before performing any maintenance. Then look for an exterior shut-off box and clear away any dirt, leaves or debris that has collected around the unit.

Check the evaporator and condenser coils for clogs, and clean them when necessary. Also, make sure the fan cage is secure and that there is no rotted insulation covering it. The fins on the condenser coil can bend over time, and a special tool called a “fin comb” (available at an AC wholesaler) is easy to use to straighten them.

10 thoughts on “Proactive Tips for System Longevity

  1. James Lewis

    These are great tips for keeping your HVAC system in good condition. Regular maintenance can really save money in the long run, and it’s important to know when to call in a professional for help.

    1. Turner Rosie

      I completely agree! It’s so important to take care of your HVAC system to prevent costly repairs and replacements down the line.

    2. Clarke Eden

      Absolutely, these tips are essential for homeowners to follow to keep their system running efficiently.

  2. Sofia25

    I find it amusing that the article suggests covering other supply register openings with paper towels during cleaning. It seems like an unconventional method, but I can see how it might work.

    1. Allen Nathan

      I think the paper towel method is a bit comical, but I suppose it’s a creative solution to a potential problem.

    2. Keeley28

      It does seem a bit unusual, but I can see the logic behind it. It’s all about preventing dust from spreading throughout the house.

  3. Emma Simpson

    These tips are very useful for homeowners who want to maintain their HVAC system properly. I appreciate the detailed explanation for each task.

  4. Jjackson

    I disagree with the recommendation to call a professional for anything beyond changing the filter. With the right knowledge and caution, homeowners can do more than just the basics.

    1. Lewis Oliver

      I understand your point, but it’s important to consider the risks of DIY maintenance, especially when it comes to more complex tasks.

  5. Ckhan

    I believe that regular maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of the HVAC system. These tips are a helpful guide for homeowners to follow.

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