Get the Best Furnace Tune Ups in Lacey Wa

Best furnace tune ups in Lacey wa

Get the Best Furnace Tune Ups in Lacey Wa

If your home’s heating system is making strange noises, taking too long to cool down or heat up, or showing signs of malfunctioning, you should get it checked by a professional. You will save money by keeping the system in good condition.

Christiansons’s Heating & Air Conditioning provides HVAC repair services near Tacoma. The company’s technicians are qualified to repair a variety of A/C systems and furnaces. They also replace irreparable parts with those of the same brand or equivalent quality.

1. Check the Filters

The heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is an essential part of any home. It regulates the temperature of the house and maintains a healthy environment for the residents. It is also responsible for eradicating unpleasant odors and excessive moisture in the indoor atmosphere.

The furnace filter is an essential component of any HVAC system. It is responsible for catching the dust and dirt before it goes through the blower and into your home. It is a good idea to check the filter regularly and replace it as needed. A dirty filter can cause damage to the blower and restrict airflow, which leads to expensive repairs.

Most filters are located in the return-air duct at the end of the furnace or inside the air handler box itself. Some homes have a filter access door in a utility room or closet, while others have a central filter grille in the ceiling that swings open to reveal the filter.

2. Check the Thermostat

A thermostat is a switch that turns on and off the furnace when it senses a temperature change. This is an important safety feature in your home, as it prevents children from turning the system on and off, and it ensures that your house doesn’t get too hot or cold.

The thermostat is also responsible for ensuring that air flows properly through the home. If the airflow is limited, it will force your furnace to work harder to heat your house. It could also lead to expensive repairs and shorten the lifespan of your system.

A yearly furnace tune-up can help avoid these issues and reduce energy bills. It also helps ensure that your warranty remains valid. Many manufacturers require regular professional service to maintain their warranties. Skipping a furnace tune-up may void the warranty, and this can lead to expensive repair costs later. So, it’s essential to schedule a tune-up each year. A 12-point tune-up includes a thorough inspection of all the major components that make up your furnace.

3. Check the Compressor

A bad compressor can cause your AC system to consume a lot more energy. You might notice that your electric bills have suddenly gone up without explanation, which is an indication that your compressor isn’t functioning properly.

You can check the compressor motor by putting one meter lead on bare metal and the other across C, S, and R windings on the motor. A normal reading will show infinity ohms, but if the windings are shorted to ground or each other then the compressor needs replacing.

You can also check for insulation resistance by using a non-destructive tester, which supplies “nondestructive” DC voltage to the windings and insulation points of your compressor motor. When removing the leads (wires) from the compressor terminal, use insulated needle-nose pliers and be very careful to avoid the high pressure of the Freon in the plug.

4. Check the Vents

During an HVAC tune up, the heating technician will check the vents in your home to ensure they are open and unobstructed. This will help keep your house warm and reduce energy bills. Sometimes, people close their vents on a cold day and forget to reopen them. This can cause blockages and impact your HVAC system’s efficiency.

If you are unsure about how to inspect your furnace’s ventilation, ask the heating experts for advice. They can also recommend the best products to make sure your home is safe from carbon monoxide leaks.

Blocked furnace vent pipes can damage your home and cause health risks to you and your family. It is a good idea to check them after a snowstorm to make sure the air intake and exhaust vents are clear. This is easy to do and will only take a few minutes. You can use a broom to remove any snow that is blocking the vents.

2 thoughts on “Get the Best Furnace Tune Ups in Lacey Wa

  1. Lee Leanne

    I found the section about the thermostat very informative. It’s essential to have a yearly furnace tune-up to avoid expensive repairs and to keep the warranty valid. This is a must-read for homeowners!

  2. Isla Rose

    This article provides valuable information about maintaining HVAC systems. It’s crucial to keep the filters, thermostat, and compressor in check to ensure the system’s efficiency and safety. Great read!

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