How to Find a Heat Pump Replacement Near Me

How to Find a Heat Pump Replacement Near Me

When you’re ready to replace your heat pump, it’s best to contact an expert. HomeAdvisor can help you locate a qualified HVAC company near you with free, no-commitment project estimates.

When hiring an HVAC contractor, they’ll perform a load calculation to make sure your new system is appropriately sized. They’ll take measurements and inspect windows, attic or other areas to ascertain how much power you require.

Energy Efficiency

Heat pumps offer a greener way to heat your home than other options such as natural gas or oil, and they use less energy in operation compared to air conditioners and furnaces, saving you money on utility bills.

Some states and utilities offer tax incentives or cash rebates to homeowners who upgrade old heating equipment with energy-saving models, like heat pumps. These programs aim to reduce energy costs and can save you up to $4,000 on a new heat pump.

When deciding whether or not to replace your current furnace or boiler with a heat pump, you should take into account its efficiency rating and capacity. The Energy Star website offers an online calculator which can help determine which system best meets your needs based on climate conditions and home size.

Your contractor should also perform a load calculation to guarantee your new heat pump is sized correctly for your home. This calculation will estimate how much cooling you’ll require and what amount of heating it can supply.

Depending on your climate, you can opt for either an air-source or ground-source (also known as geothermal) heat pump. The latter uses pipes buried underground to absorb and release heat, so it doesn’t have to contend with drastic temperature changes.

Installing an air-source heat pump typically costs $1,500 to $5,000; on the other hand, installing a ground-source system may run you up to $6,000. Studies have shown that you can save 80% or more on energy bills with this type of system.

To maximize the efficiency of your heat pump, maintain it properly and use a programmable thermostat appropriate for its usage. According to the Department of Energy, this could save you up to 25% on annual energy bills compared to poorly maintained systems.

If you’re uncertain which heat pump system to choose, ask your HVAC provider for recommendations or check with local green-energy resource groups. They may have a list of contractors who specialize in heat pumps and can assist you in finding the ideal one for your requirements.

Carbon Monoxide Leaks

When you have a furnace in your home, it’s essential to take steps to prevent carbon monoxide leaks. These leaks can be caused by many things but one of the biggest issues is with the heat exchanger on your furnace; over time this part may rust and allow gas to escape through tiny holes on its surface.

If you suspect your furnace may be leaking carbon monoxide, it’s essential to get it checked out right away. This hazardous gas can cause serious health complications and even death if not addressed promptly.

Another way to prevent a leak is installing carbon monoxide detectors around the house. These battery-operated devices will alert you if dangerous levels of this gas are present.

It is wise to have smoke detectors installed in every room of your home. Furthermore, check them once a month to make sure they’re functioning optimally.

Additionally, you should have a professional inspect your heating system for any potential problems that could cause a leak – particularly if your furnace is more than 10 years old.

When a qualified HVAC contractor inspects your home, they’ll make sure all vents are working correctly and the system isn’t leaking any carbon monoxide. Additionally, they inspect chimneys and fireplaces for potential issues.

Additionally, you should regularly replace the air filter in your furnace to prevent any obstruction of airflow and carbon monoxide leaks. This can occur when it becomes dirty or clogged up, so make sure you replace them frequently.

Additionally, you should arrange an inspection with your HVAC contractor in the fall before winter so they can verify all ventilation systems and heating systems are functioning optimally. Doing this helps avoid potential carbon monoxide leaks and expedites repair time should a problem arise.


Heat pumps typically last 15 years or so. As they age, however, it is common for them to require more repairs and eventually need replacing. That is why it’s essential to recognize the signs of an aging heat pump and when to seek professional assistance with replacement.

One of the best ways to determine when it’s time for a new unit is by looking at your energy bills. As your heat pump ages, its efficiency drops off – especially in units over 10 years old.

You’ll likely notice a distinction in how your home cools and heats. Older devices don’t have the capacity to cool down as rapidly as modern models do, meaning it takes longer for your house to reach the temperature set on the thermostat.

This is beneficial, as it means you could save money on energy bills. That’s why it’s wise to get a quote from an experienced HVAC technician before shopping for a new heat pump.

Other ways to tell when it’s time for replacement is by reviewing your maintenance records. A properly maintained heat pump can last decades, so it’s essential that you stay on top of its services to maximize its lifespan. This includes changing the air filter regularly, keeping the unit clean, and clearing away any yard debris that could restrict airflow. Lastly, having your heat pump inspected at least once annually helps avoid an unexpected breakdown during extreme hot or cold weather events.


Your heat pump will eventually require repair or replacement, just like any other piece of heating and cooling equipment. Fortunately, many homeowners are covered by home warranties which can help cover some of the costs associated with a malfunctioning system.

Your HVAC unit usually comes with a warranty that covers various parts and components. These could include motors, compressors, burners, controls and sensors. The specifics of your warranty will depend on the model and manufacturer of your system; however in general if a part fails within its specified timeframe then the warranty company will pay to replace it with a new one.

Your warranty may also include labor warranties, which cover some of the cost of repairs. These can be incredibly helpful to homeowners who lack time or resources to troubleshoot issues on their own.

If your heat pump has failed, it is critical to contact a local expert right away. Doing this will save you money in the long run and guarantee your system receives top-notch repair work.

To locate a trustworthy professional, search online for companies specializing in heat pumps and air conditioning. These experts will have an in-depth understanding of different models, common issues and how to resolve them. In some cases, they even bring the necessary replacement parts directly to your property so you don’t need to drive back and forth.

Another option is to reach out to your home builder’s contractors. Many will provide a two-year warranty on their labor, which could significantly reduce the cost of repair or replacement projects.

In addition to these, you can contact your utility provider about rebates or tax credits available on high-efficiency systems. These could reduce the cost of a new heat pump, so it is always worthwhile checking with a nearby HVAC contractor about these possibilities.

Before selecting the ideal home warranty for your residence, be sure to read its policy thoroughly. These plans typically provide coverage for repairs and replacements caused by normal wear and tear, age-related failures and accidental weather damage.

14 thoughts on “How to Find a Heat Pump Replacement Near Me

  1. Chelsea Kelly

    I find the warranty information very reassuring. It’s good to know that there are options for coverage and support when it comes to repairs or replacements. It provides peace of mind for homeowners.

    1. Harris Abigail
  2. Tiffany22

    I’m not convinced that replacing my heat pump is worth the cost. The article mentions potential savings, but I’m not sure if it’s significant enough to justify the expense.

    1. Mason Alice
    2. Khan Caitlin

      I understand your hesitation, Tiffany. It’s important to carefully weigh the potential savings against the initial investment. It might not be the right choice for everyone.

  3. Pauline80

    This article is so informative and helpful! I never realized how much money and energy I could save by upgrading my heat pump. I’ll definitely be looking into this more. Thank you for the great tips!

    1. Colin Young

      I completely agree, Pauline. This article really breaks down all the important factors to consider when replacing a heat pump. It’s a great resource for anyone considering this upgrade.

    2. King Edward
  4. Erin Murphy

    The information about carbon monoxide leaks is crucial. I had no idea about the potential dangers and how to prevent them. This is a wake-up call for homeowners to take safety measures seriously.

    1. Wwright

      Absolutely, Erin. Safety should always be a top priority, and knowing how to prevent carbon monoxide leaks is essential for every homeowner.

  5. Roxanne77

    I can’t believe how long heat pumps can last with proper maintenance. I’ll definitely be more diligent about taking care of mine to maximize its lifespan.

    1. Rogers Gordon

      It’s amazing, Roxanne! Proper maintenance really does make a difference in the longevity of heating and cooling systems. It’s great to be reminded of that.

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