How Much For a New Furnace?

How Much For a New Furnace?

how much for new furnace

Pro Tip-

Typically we like to say a new Residential furnace can run you between 10k-4k out the door with most people spending around 7k-5k on average. Modulating furnaces and double-stage furnaces are mid to high and single-stage furnaces being the lower cost option.

There are many factors that determine the cost of a new furnace. Size and fuel sources are just a couple of the factors that can affect costs.

1. high-efficiency Furnace models can save money over time. You can estimate your savings by multiplying the efficiency of the unit by the average amount you pay to heat your home.

2. A two-stage furnace is also a good idea, as it produces more consistent heat. This means fewer temperature swings and fewer drafts.

The cost of a new furnace depends on the size and brand you choose. Some brands are made for small homes, while others are designed for larger spaces.

3. Installing a new furnace will not only require a new unit, but can require ductwork. Ductwork can be expensive, so it is important to have the work done right so you don’t have heat loss thru holes in ductwork. To help ensure you do not damage the new unit, you should hire a licensed professional. Depending on the type of ductwork, the cost can run up to hundreds of dollars.

4.If you want to get the most from your new heating system, look into smart technology. Smart technologies can reduce your utility bills and improve the efficiency of your furnace.

New gas and oil furnaces are not cheap, so make sure to budget accordingly. They can last a decade or more with proper maintenance and care.

5. Depending on the fuel source, a new furnace will also require a fuel line. Gas lines can cost $200 to $500. Oil lines can cost anywhere from $1700 to $5,000.

5 thoughts on “How Much For a New Furnace?

  1. Candice Scott

    It’s essential to consider the size and brand of the furnace, as well as any additional requirements like ductwork and fuel lines. This article highlights the importance of careful planning and budgeting for a new furnace installation.

  2. Mitchell Dominic

    While the article provides valuable information, the wide range in cost estimates for items like fuel lines can be confusing for readers. It would be helpful to provide a more specific breakdown of potential expenses.

  3. Georgia Williams

    I appreciate the emphasis on the long-term savings that high-efficiency and smart technology furnaces can provide. It’s a worthwhile investment for homeowners looking to reduce their utility bills.

  4. Alexa Price

    This article provides a comprehensive overview of the factors that affect the cost of a new furnace. It’s important for homeowners to consider all these factors before making a decision.

  5. Jake89

    The cost of a new furnace can be quite overwhelming, especially when factoring in the additional expenses such as ductwork and fuel lines. It’s important to budget for all these costs upfront to avoid any surprises.

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