Installation of a furnace is difficult. Do not let anyone tell your otherwise. We see a lot of people mistakenly believe that HVAC equipment is like a microwave or refrigerator. All you have to do is plug it in and it will work.

Every HVAC system must be designed to fit the specific home in which it will be installed. This requires special training and the right tools.

To understand the process, you don’t need to be a furnace installation technician. Here’s where we step in. This article will help you get up to speed. This article will be technical at times but it is meant to help you understand how your furnace works.

Knowing what to expect is important so you can hold your HVAC contractor responsible. Many of the steps we’re going to describe are often overlooked during furnace installation. Yelm deserves better.

Okay. Are you ready to be an expert in furnace installation? Let’s get started.

Before Furnace Installation in Yelm

The day you meet with a sales representative is going to be the beginning. Why? This is because a lot of what matters to the installation should be happening today.

Bad Way to Do Things:

  1. Consider the area of your house and make a quick recommendation on a furnace.

The Good Way to Do It:

  1. You should do a load calculation for your home. This will include insulation, the size and quality of windows and other factors that can affect the power of your furnace.
  2. Make sure that the ductwork has the proper dimensions to allow for the flow of air through a new system. This includes both the furnace’s supply to the air ducts as well as the return air supply which feeds into the furnace’s blower motor.
  3. To ensure that your furnace fits, measure the area where it will be installed. Not all furnaces are equal in size.
  4. To ensure proper installation, make sure you check gas lines and electric wiring. Galvanized pipes from an older installation can be dangerous and illegal to remove. Most homeowners don’t know this.
  5. A new chimney flue liner, or PVC drain pipe, may be required depending on the furnace. These possibilities will be considered in measurements.
  6. It may be necessary to purchase a specific type of equipment depending on which air conditioner is being used. This is because the furnace’s blower motor moves air for heating and cooling. It must be calibrated to ensure that each can work together.

These are all important as they can all cause huge problems if not addressed.

You have air ducts that are too small. This is more common than you may think. The result will be higher utility bills, 10-30% higher equipment costs, and equipment that has to work harder and breaks down faster. This could result in thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenses because the person who visited your home didn’t do proper checks.

These details should be given to the installer so that they can make any necessary modifications.

There are many problems homeowners have with furnaces. It’s not due to wear and tear, but improper installation.

Day of the Installation in Yelm

It’s time to grab your wrench, and get to work!

It’s not true. You can relax and let a trusted HVAC partner install your furnace. However, this doesn’t mean you have to be passive.

Before the actual installation process can begin, there are several things you should do.

  • To ensure you get the correct furnace, and the appropriate accessories (if applicable), the lead installer should talk to you. Ask for the model number of your furnace unit if you have any doubts.
  • To protect your home, the team that installs flooring should place it where they will be going.
  • It is important to prepare the area around the furnace for safety reasons.

Safety checks

Every install team worth their salt will run a series safety checks before and during installation.

This includes turning off all electrical breakers running to the furnace and shutting off fuel or gas lines. It also checks the area for any hazardous materials or items that might fall during installation.

It is important to remember that while one person can install a furnace it will take more time and be less secure. Although a single person can install a furnace, there is always a chance of an accident. During the installation, sharp metals, heavy objects, power tools, and other dangerous materials are used. Even the most skilled installers need a partner.

Fire & Ice only uses individual installers for jobs that are simple and carry less risk. We can also do thorough installations without having to rush.

Remove old equipment

The gas and electrical supply, if any, have been switched off.

The first thing to get rid of when removing an old furnace is anything that is connected to its main furnace unit.

The install team will disconnect venting, electrical wiring, gas lines, and ductwork that are physically connected to the main unit.

This is the time when preparations will be made to prepare the area for the furnace unit. What does this all mean? It all depends on the context, but it may include:

  • Clean under the unit.
  • Clean the entry points into the ductwork. This is where dust and dirt can accumulate over many years, or even decades. Although it is not a complete ductwork cleaning it can make a big difference in the health of your system.
  • It is important to clean the evaporator coil, which is used for air conditioning. This is a simple but critical step that will ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly after installation.

The area may also need to be modified depending on how large or oriented the new equipment is. If the furnace’s dimensions are different, modifications to the ductwork may need to be made to ensure that the airflow is smooth once the furnace is installed.

Access is another consideration. Access is another consideration.

This information should not be surprising to you on the day that your installation is completed. It shouldn’t be a surprise to you on the day of installation.

Installation of a New Furnace in Yelm

Here, we’re mixing the steps together a bit. Preparing plenums and ductwork, gas lines, wiring, and other necessary components is a part of the entire installation process. When most people think about the installation, they usually think of the primary furnace unit.

Airflow is key. The entire project will suffer if it isn’t managed properly. As the new unit arrives, it is necessary to make adjustments to the plenum and flue lining.

A direct shot should be taken from the plenum to the ductwork system. To prevent excessive air leakage, you may need a “transition” that runs from the plenum to the ductwork system.

Installers will use a variety of tools including electrical, woodworking, and sheet metal tools. To create proper airflow, they must be able bend, fold, and cut the metal. This is a tedious process.

After the main unit has been installed, it should be adjusted to ensure it is level and plumb. It should be separated from the floor by a barrier. This is often a rubber pad but there are other options. It is important that the furnace’s metal doesn’t touch the ground. If it does, the furnace will begin to rust and absorb moisture from the ground.

RELATED: What Does a Furnace cost? A Comprehensive Breakdown

Sealing and Reconnecting

After the main unit has been installed, sealing it and reconnecting all lines is done.

The caulk gun uses specialized HVAC caulk, which is made to withstand the pressures of the furnace system.

This is also the time to reconnect fuel and electrical lines. Additional wiring may be required depending on the furnace’s technological capabilities. Although this is uncommon, it can be an option when upgrading to a more modern system.

It is rare to need to install a new circuit breaker. This will require a licensed electrician. If this step is not necessary, an HVAC technician can handle all the electrical work. The furnace is usually on an isolated circuit breaker. The wiring will remain the same or similar to the older system.

It’s tempting to believe that the installation process is over once this step is completed. However, we are getting closer.

The Most Forgotten Step: Commissioning HVAC Equipment

A furnace commission is simply a way to say that it has been tested. The point of commissioning a furnace is not to simply test whether it runs. Thorough commissioning, which is the process that ensures that your system runs as efficiently as possible, can take as long as an hour and involve dozens of calculations.

How is it calculated? It is quite a lot. You can find information about static pressure, temperature rise rates at different stages of furnace power, CFM (cubic foot per minute) of airflow and many other parameters.

We have written a more detailed article about commissioning (linked above), so I won’t go into too much detail. Two important points are made about commissioning.

  1. All tests are done to make sure the equipment meets safety and manufacturer specifications.
  2. This step is often overlooked by HVAC contractors.

Failure to adjust your furnace’s commissioning can lead to hot and cold spots, poor airflow, noisy equipment, higher utility bills, and a shorter lifespan.

It can also cause problems on the AC side. This is because the blower motor, which moves the air, is connected to both systems. It will not work properly if it isn’t calibrated correctly. This will result in inefficient cooling and heating airflow.

RELATED TO: Why Commissioning is Important in HVAC

Cleanup and Review

After commissioning is complete, it’s time for the homeowner to go over everything. This will include a review of what was installed and a walkthrough with the new equipment.

The installer should demonstrate how to change the furnace filter. This will allow you to perform this task yourself. The installer should be able to walk you through any new functions in your thermostat or heat settings.

Finally, you should be allowed to turn on the unit and ask any questions.

After Your Furnace Installation

You are now enjoying your new furnace and warm home.

The installation is done. However, there are steps you can take to ensure you get the best return on your investment.

  • Set reminders based on the schedule to replace your filter. This will help prevent the filter from becoming clogged, which can be very dangerous for your furnace.
  • Set up a reminder to call your HVAC company to schedule maintenance for the unit one-year after installation.
  • It is even better if they offer maintenance programs that allow you to “set and forget” your HVAC system.

A well-maintained system can make a difference in your energy costs, which could result in 30-50% more expensive equipment and a reduction of your equipment’s life expectancy. This is how to avoid suffering.

A Good Installation is Important for my Yelm Family

We hope you have learned something from this article. It is that proper installation practices are crucial for your furnace’s safety, health, and comfort.

It is even more important to choose an HVAC partner that will do everything possible to ensure they are doing every step correctly, not just saving time or money.

To ensure that they do a great job, you need to find out what questions to ask companies before hiring them. To download our questionnaire checklist, click the graphic below.

Christianson’s Furnace repair and A/C repair is available for a free in-home estimate. To get started, check out our service area!

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