Addressing Issues to Restore Comfort

Air Conditioning Repair Addressing Issues to Restore Comfort

Addressing Issues to Restore Comfort

Air conditioner problems aren’t always as clear cut as “the AC system isn’t working” or “it makes a lot of noise.” There are many components that work together to keep your home comfortable.

If you’re experiencing multiple issues, you may need to consult a professional for repairs. A few of the most common AC repair issues are clogged filters, tripped circuit breakers and leaky ductwork.

1. Clogged Filters

Clogged filters create an influx of dust around your home, especially near air vents. They also restrict airflow and cause your system to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, which leads to higher energy bills.

Dirty air filters force the fan motor to strain to move the same amount of air through the system. This places undue stress on the entire system and can cause damage.

You may see a little puddle under the AC unit on humid days, and that’s normal under those conditions. However, excessive leaking from the drain line may signal low refrigerant or a blockage in the condensate pan. Unclogging the drain line is a simple, inexpensive fix that can avoid more expensive repairs. You may also notice burning or mildew odors that indicate the air filter needs cleaning or replacement.

2. Leaky Ductwork

If you find yourself dusting more frequently or your allergies are acting up, it may be time to inspect your ductwork. Leaky ducts cause air loss which causes the blower to work harder. It also allows dust to pass through the system and settle inside the house. Look for rust, crushed or kinked ducts as well as areas where the ducts join. If the ducts have old duct tape, it should be removed and replaced with a mastic seal.

A professional will use a tool that releases smoke to locate the leaks. This will help them repair the damage and create permanent seals. A properly sealed ductwork will also prevent a musty smell from permeating the home. The cleaner air will also improve overall indoor air quality.

3. Dirty Condenser

A dirty condenser can affect the restoration of comfort in a few different ways. First, it can impact the energy efficiency of your system. This is because dirt and dust insulate the coil, causing it to lose its ability to transfer heat from the air that passes over it. This causes the system to work harder, which can lead to higher electricity bills.

Additionally, a dirty condenser can cause the refrigerant to leak from the coil. This can be a costly issue because it will require the replacement of the entire coil unit.

Dirty coils can also be prevented by scheduling regular cleaning service. ROX Heating & Air can clean the coils, helping you to improve your indoor air quality and restore comfort in your home.

4. Faulty Compressor

The compressor is the heart of your air conditioning system. If it begins to fail, you’ll notice that cool air is no longer flowing from your vents. A faulty compressor can also cause your monthly electricity bills to skyrocket.

An external symptom of a failing compressor is the sound of chattering or ticking noises when the system starts up. This indicates that the compressor is struggling to engage and may not be able to start at all if left unchecked.

Another way to tell that your compressor is having issues is if you can feel warm air when you put your hands near a vent. The best way to prevent a faulty compressor is by having routine maintenance performed. This will keep it properly lubricated, and it’ll help prevent damage from overheating.

5. Faulty Thermostat

Thermostats control the temperature throughout your home. They also control when and how often the HVAC system turns on and off, which affects energy efficiency. If you experience odd temperature shifts or your home feels warmer or cooler than it should, a faulty thermostat could be to blame.

Fortunately, most thermostat problems are easy to diagnose and address. Start by ensuring the thermostat is plugged in and receiving power (for battery-operated systems, this means a lighted display; for hardwired systems, it’s checking the circuit breaker). Shut off the thermostat at its breaker to remove it from the wall and check for a coating of dirt, soot, cigarette smoke or cobwebs that might be interfering with normal function. If the display is still blank or unlighted, change the batteries.

10 thoughts on “Addressing Issues to Restore Comfort

  1. Kimberly Brown

    The information provided here is crucial for maintaining the comfort and efficiency of your home. It’s important to be aware of these common AC issues to prevent larger problems down the line.

    1. Max Thompson

      Absolutely, being proactive about AC maintenance can save a lot of money in the long run. This article offers valuable insights into potential problems and solutions.

  2. Mitchell Duncan

    This article provides a comprehensive overview of common AC issues and how to address them. It’s a great resource for homeowners who want to maintain their HVAC systems efficiently.

    1. Kimberly Wright

      I agree, this article is very informative and helpful for anyone dealing with AC problems.

    2. Tina Wood

      I found the tips on unclogging the drain line very useful, it’s something I can easily do myself to avoid costly repairs.

  3. Chapman Bruce

    This article is truly enlightening about the different ways AC problems can impact comfort and energy efficiency. It’s a must-read for homeowners.

  4. Grace46

    I appreciate the detailed explanations of each AC issue and the recommended solutions. It helps me understand the importance of regular maintenance for my system.

    1. Powell Stephen

      Agreed, the article emphasizes the significance of regular cleaning and maintenance to avoid costly repairs and maintain indoor air quality.

  5. Martin Sophie

    The article effectively communicates the potential problems with AC systems and the necessary steps to restore comfort. It’s a valuable resource for homeowners.

    1. Turner Christian

      Definitely, understanding these issues can help homeowners take proactive measures to keep their AC systems running smoothly and efficiently.

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