Understanding the Furnace Blower Reset Button: Location and Availability

Furnace Blower Reset Button Guide

Understanding the Furnace Blower Reset Button: Location and Availability

Christianson’s Heating and Cooling is Serving Yelm, Tumwater, Lacey, Olympia, Rainier, Roy, Spanaway, Centralia, Chehalis

What is a Furnace Blower Reset Button?

The furnace blower reset button is a safety feature found in many modern furnaces. It’s designed to automatically shut off the furnace blower if it overheats. Once the blower cools down, pressing the reset button can help restart the furnace. However, it’s essential to understand that not all furnace models are equipped with this feature.

Locating the Reset Button

In furnaces that do have a reset button, it is typically located on the blower motor housing. However, its exact position can vary depending on the furnace model. For those living in Tumwater, Lacey, or the greater Yelm area, familiarizing yourself with your specific furnace model can help you locate this button more quickly.

Instances When a Reset Button May Not Exist

In older furnace models, particularly those installed in historic homes in Olympia, Rainier, Roy, or Spanaway, you might find that a reset button is not present. This absence is often due to the design standards when these units were manufactured. Additionally, in some high-efficiency furnace models, the system’s design may incorporate other safety features that negate the need for a manual reset button.

What to Do If You Can’t Find a Reset Button

If you’re in Centralia or Chehalis and can’t locate a reset button on your furnace, it’s important to contact a professional from Christianson’s Heating and Cooling. Attempting to manually reset your furnace without proper knowledge can be dangerous.


Understanding the intricacies of your furnace, including the reset button, is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and safe home environment. For residents of Yelm and its neighboring cities, knowing when to seek professional help is equally important. If you’re facing any uncertainties about your furnace, feel free to contact us at Christianson’s Heating and Cooling, your trusted local HVAC experts.

Contact us at 253-293-5109 or visit our website for more information.

10 thoughts on “Understanding the Furnace Blower Reset Button: Location and Availability

  1. Harvey25

    The absence of a reset button in older furnace models is a critical point to address. Homeowners in historic homes in Olympia, Rainier, Roy, or Spanaway need to understand this limitation and prioritize regular maintenance to ensure safety.

    1. Edward17

      I couldn’t agree more. It’s crucial for homeowners to be aware of the absence of reset buttons in older furnace models and take proactive measures to mitigate potential safety issues.

    2. Imorris

      Absolutely, Harvey25. Regular maintenance is key for older furnace models, especially in historic homes. This article effectively highlights the importance of understanding the limitations of these units.

  2. Connor95

    This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the furnace blower reset button, which is crucial for maintaining a safe home environment. It’s important for homeowners to be aware of this feature and know when to seek professional help. Great job!

    1. Jim64

      I completely agree with you, Connor95. It’s essential for homeowners to understand the functionality of the furnace blower reset button and take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

  3. Rogers Carmen

    The information provided in this article is invaluable for homeowners. Understanding the location and availability of the furnace blower reset button is crucial, especially for those living in older homes in Olympia, Rainier, Roy, or Spanaway.

  4. Rosie Graham

    This article offers valuable insights into the furnace blower reset button and the importance of contacting professionals for assistance. It’s a helpful resource for homeowners in the Yelm area and beyond.

  5. Steve91

    This article fails to address the potential risks associated with manually resetting a furnace without proper knowledge. It’s important to emphasize the dangers of attempting to do so. Proper precautions are necessary.

    1. Dcarter

      I think the article does mention the importance of contacting a professional if you can’t find the reset button on your furnace. However, it could have been emphasized more clearly.

    2. Fhughes

      I agree with you, Steve91. The article should have highlighted the potential hazards of attempting to manually reset a furnace without professional knowledge and guidance.

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