Ways to Save on Heating This Season

Ways to Save on Heating This Season Tips for a CostEffective Winter

Ways to Save on Heating This Season

While larger investments like upgrading your heating system can yield significant savings, you can also make smaller changes to reduce your winter energy costs. These simple hacks, from lowering the thermostat to making sure vents aren’t blocked, can help you stay warm without a huge utility bill.

Lowering the heat by just a few degrees during the day and at night, and using programmable thermostats, can save you 10% on your heating bills.

1. Turn Down the Thermostat

The cost of keeping your house cozy in the winter can add up quickly, especially as energy prices rise. But there are many ways you can cut costs without sacrificing comfort.

One of the easiest is by turning down the thermostat. The Department of Energy estimates that by lowering your thermostat 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours per day while you’re awake, you can save up to 10% on heating costs.

And since less heat energy is being used, you’ll pay a lot less each month when those utility bills come due. But does it really work? And how do you know when you’re getting the most out of your system? Let’s take a closer look at some of the facts. -Then, we’ll give you some tips for cutting costs this winter.

2. Insulate Your Windows

Many homeowners would love to cut down on heating costs but aren’t sure how. Fortunately, you don’t need to make extensive home upgrades to help save money on heating this winter. Minor upgrades and new habits can help you limit energy consumption and waste and keep your home warm for less.

For example, insulating your windows can prevent drafts and reduce heat loss. You can also seal air leaks throughout the house to help lower heating bills. A simple way to test for leaks is to hold a candle near your window. If the flame flickers, you have a leak that needs to be sealed. To do this, apply self-stick weather stripping around the frames of your windows. This is a cheap and easy DIY project that can make a big difference in your utility bills this winter.

3. Turn Off the Lights

We’re in the heart of winter, and heating bills are up around the country. While installing new energy efficient furnaces and upgrading your home’s insulation can significantly lower your utility bills, these upgrades aren’t in the budget for many households.

Instead, try implementing some simple changes to your lifestyle. Keep flannel sheets on your bed, wear fuzzy sherpa slippers, and serve warm drinks. That way, your body heat stays in the house and less work is required by your HVAC system.

Also, make sure your heat vents aren’t blocked by furniture or toys, as that can prevent warm air from reaching a room. Finally, set your ceiling fans to spin clockwise instead of counterclockwise. This helps the hot air stay down and cool air move up.

4. Turn Off the Water Heater

Turning off your water heater can save you a lot of energy over time. It also helps to avoid scalding showers, which can add up in hot water costs too.

Lowering your thermostat at night will help you save energy by taking advantage of your body’s natural temperature drop, and it can even help you sleep better too! Consider getting a programmable thermostat for easier heating savings.

In addition to lowering your thermostat, check your home for insulation, clogged filters and old or worn weather stripping that can lead to unnecessary energy loss. Check for escaping air by holding a candle near windows, light fixtures and outlets – any flickering means there’s a leak!

Want to learn more about how you can cut your heating costs this winter? Contact Blueox Energy today to request your free heating estimate in Broome, Tioga, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego and Cortland Counties.

5. Turn Off the Appliances

Unplugging appliances like computers, tablets, and phones when you’re not using them will greatly reduce your electricity use. You can even install smart plugs that automatically shut off appliances for you. Unplugging devices when you aren’t home or asleep will also help save on phantom power usage.

Heating costs can quickly become expensive, especially when the cold weather sets in. Thankfully, you don’t have to shell out thousands of dollars for major upgrades to see significant savings on your energy bills this winter. Some minor changes, a little maintenance, and some new habits can help you heat your home affordably this season. Learn how with these simple tips for a cost-effective winter.

12 thoughts on “Ways to Save on Heating This Season

  1. Poppy96

    These are wonderful tips to save on heating costs! I never thought about turning down the thermostat and checking for leaks around the windows. Definitely will be trying these out!

    1. Akelly

      I completely agree with you! These are small changes that can make a big impact on reducing heating costs. Great article!

  2. Wclarke

    I find it hard to believe that simply turning down the thermostat will make a significant impact on heating costs. I need more convincing evidence.

    1. Finley Bennett

      I understand your skepticism, but the Department of Energy has provided evidence to support these claims. It’s worth giving these tips a try to see the difference.

  3. Jones Megan

    I already have an energy efficient furnace and well-insulated home, so these tips don’t apply to me. Waste of time reading this.

    1. Cknight

      While that may be true for you, there are many other readers who can benefit from these tips. It’s important to consider the broader audience.

    2. Wmurray

      Just because these tips don’t directly apply to you doesn’t mean they’re not valuable for others. We should all be open to learning new ways to save on energy costs.

  4. Ben Moore

    I see the irony in telling us to turn off the appliances while we’re reading this article on our devices. Well played, author. Well played.

  5. Harry Powell

    I don’t think any of these tips will make a significant difference in my heating bills. Seems like a waste of time to me.

    1. Roberts Sofia

      It’s important to consider the long-term savings these tips can provide. Over time, the small changes can add up to substantial reductions in heating costs.

    2. Powell Theresa

      I respectfully disagree. These tips have been proven to be effective, and every little bit helps when it comes to saving money.

  6. […] one of them. Make sure to schedule a tune-up with your local HVAC company before the start of the heating or cooling season. This will help you save money, reduce the risk of breaking down, and breathe cleaner […]

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