Preparing Your HVAC System For Summer

Schedule a Maintenance Session Before Summer Begins Preparing Your HVAC System

Preparing Your HVAC System For Summer

Getting your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system ready for summer will help it perform better and save you money. Among the essential tips are changing or cleaning the air filters, lubricating moving parts, and testing the thermostat.

Leaky ductwork can lead to significant energy losses. A technician can evaluate the ductwork and seal it to prevent leakage.

Change the Air Filter

The best way to keep your HVAC system running as efficiently as possible is by regularly changing the filter. This will help to reduce your energy bills and extend the life of your system.

The air filter within your HVAC unit catches dust, pollen, pet dander and other particulates as it moves hot or cold air throughout your home. This ensures that only clean air is pumped back into the house. A dirty filter blocks airflow and forces the HVAC system to work overtime to warm or cool the house. This can lead to damage to the equipment and health risks for your family members.

To change the filter, first shut off your system. This prevents it from sucking up dust and debris while you are working on it. Then open the vent and remove the old filter. Place the new one in, making sure that the air flow arrows are pointing toward the HVAC unit.

Clean the Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit is the heart of your AC system, but it’s also exposed to nature and can become caked in dirt, debris, weeds, leaves, animal fur, and more. It can cause your air conditioner to work harder, which can drive up your electric bill.

It’s best to set aside at least an hour for this project, and you should first shut off the power supply to your unit (you can usually find a switch near it or within your home’s main electrical panel). Remove any access panels that cover the unit. Next, remove any twigs or leaves that have collected. Then, use a hose to hose down the entire unit.

The final step is to clean the coils, which are on full display and often dirty. Using a dedicated coil cleaner, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and rinse time. Be sure to remove any dirt and grime that has accumulated on the fins, too.

Clean the Vents and Registers

A dirty evaporator coil or dirty air filters can cause your HVAC system to work overtime. This erodes its lifespan and makes it difficult to maintain high efficiency. A thorough cleaning of the ducts and registers can eliminate these contaminants. This will improve indoor air quality, help keep your home clean, and protect your equipment from a buildup of dirt that can hinder its performance.

In addition, your technician will examine the condenser drain line and look for signs of leakage. If there are any, he or she will repair them to prevent future problems.

Dirty ducts, leaks, low refrigerant levels and other issues can cost you big money when they occur. Schedule an annual maintenance session to guard against these problems and maximize the life of your system. The average system can last between 15 and 25 years based on the brand, condition and consistency of maintenance. It’s worth the investment. A few small repairs now will save you a costly system replacement later.

Schedule a Tune-Up

Just like your car, your HVAC system is made of complex mechanisms that need regular care and attention. When neglected, an HVAC system is likely to work less efficiently and reach its end of life sooner than a well-maintained unit.

During an HVAC tune up, an experienced technician inspects the indoor and outdoor units, changes the air filter, cleans the blower motor and refrigerant line set, checks for leaks, and much more. To help the process move along, you should clear away any debris that might be in the way and be available to answer any questions the technician might have.

An annual HVAC tune up is a great way to protect the system from unnecessary wear and tear that leads to higher utility bills, unexpected repairs and a shorter lifespan for your cooling system. It is worth the investment to avoid costly repairs and an early system replacement. It is also an excellent way to prevent your family from suffering through the heat of summer.

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