Be Aware of Duct Cleaning Scams in Washington State

Be aware of duct cleaning scams in washington state

Be Aware of Duct Cleaning Scams in Washington State

Homeowners frequently find that their air ducts require cleaning in order to eliminate dirt, dust and debris accumulations. Unfortunately, many companies offering this service use deceptive scare tactics and bait-and-switch pricing strategies in order to take advantage of unwitting homeowners and scam them into shelling out hundreds of dollars on unnecessary cleanings. To protect yourself against such scams and avoid unnecessary spending for unnecessary services it is wise to conduct research before selecting any company. For assistance on whether your home needs this cleaning contact an NADCA Certified technician for advice or call them up directly if in doubt regarding this process or otherwise

An affordable air duct cleaning company should never charge less than $550 for full air duct cleaning services, which includes professional cleaning of heating and cooling vents, return air grilles, supply air ducts, ventilation system inspection, as well as professional inspection. However, some companies may try to lure customers in with low prices only to add charges later for “specialty services” or additional work – if in doubt contact a reputable HVAC company or the NADCA for advice.

Note: it is essential to remember that there is no scientific proof that duct cleaning prevents health problems. Indeed, some studies have revealed that duct cleaning actually increases dust levels in homes and decreases air quality due to an increase in dust accumulating as a result. Dust contains minerals and soil from outdoors which are tracked indoors on shoes as well as human/pet hair/paper fibers/dead skin cells from daily living in addition to cooking, cleaning, smoking and pets contributing their share.

Dodgy duct cleaners often find ways to take advantage of unsuspecting clients by “discovering” mold colonies, rodent infestation, or other issues in their air ducts and increase the price for cleaning accordingly. Keep in mind that mold colonies thrive on moisture; without professional inspection it may be impossible to detect.

When looking for a reliable air duct cleaning company, always be sure to inspect its insurance policies. Check that they carry both general liability and workers’ compensation policies and request proof for each. If a company refuses to show proof, take this as an indicator and move on quickly.

Reputable websites are another crucial element to look out for when selecting a service provider. A legitimate company will feature images of past work as well as detailed descriptions of its services on its website, while any websites featuring stock photos could be indicators that the provider is not being forthcoming with information. One tip would be to open up another browser and search Google Reverse Image Search with any images belonging to that business – if these appear linked back elsewhere they might just be fakes! Also watch out for websites which exclusively rely on testimonials from previous clients as these could indicate dishonesty from both parties involved.

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